How NFP’s can manage their most
vital IT systems & software

Our clients often ask us, what's the most important aspect of IT for us to get right? We believe your organisations ability to use technology to best impact its mission is most likely based on its use of software, systems and information, followed by how you manage and govern them.
Through the clients we have conducted Current State Assessments on or prepared IT Strategies for, we estimate they have over 20 systems they use on a regular basis; in fact, often this figure is much higher. Rarely do we find an organisation that is happy with all of them, and often, it is key systems such as client management systems, HR systems and finance systems that are not performing which can have a major impact on the organisation. Most often the impact is either in reduced efficiency or increased risk, which impacts things like funding, reputation and cost. In this whitepaper we look at how NFP’s should best leverage, manage and govern the world of IT software, to ensure that it’s truly enabling your organisation to best deliver its mission.

Questions to consider
When thinking about your current IT systems and contemplating if you need to be exploring your options, it’s crucial to remember that a significant portion of IT budgets are allocated to software and its management. Much of the impact of IT is related to what software and systems are used, and how efficiently they are used, so it's important to ask yourself a few key questions:
Are you confident your key IT software systems are the right fit?
If they are the right fit are you using them to the best of their ability?
Is your key software reducing or enhancing your management of business risk?
Do you feel key software is managed and governed well once implemented?
IT systems lifecycle
When standing back from the day to day and taking a bird’s eye view of your technology systems over their lifetime, they can be in one of two cycles; the change cycle, or the operate cycle. Both cycles are equally as important to the overall success of the systems, and both require conscious and deliberate management to ensure the best possible outcomes.

Undertaking a technology transformation, such as a change in systems or continuous improvement in systems, can be made easier and more seamless by utilising a flexible approach with a mature framework. Jumping in headfirst without the right knowledge and approach may only be a sideways step, or even leave you further behind.
Our Guide to Systems Management explores the change and operate cycles in more detail, and provides practical guidance on how to navigate your systems with confidence.
But how do I get started?
For Australian Based NFP’s, healthcare or government agencies, we are offering this download as part of our B Corp pro bono commitment to drive positive impact within the community. Our paper can help organisations uncover key questions and insights which can help organisations understand their IT systems better, how to start managing them to drive business outcomes and how to know when to start thinking about change.
Our NFP Guide to Systems Management is a comprehensive document that includes such things as:
A detailed overview of the different stages of a system lifecycle
Questions to help you identify which stage your systems currently sit in
Advice on how to uncover problems that could be limiting your systems efficiency with effective ways to address these
Structured methodology to guide you through the process of making informed IT decisions to replace or retire systems
Practical advice on how to continuously monitor and improve your current systems to ensure they remain fit for purpose
Why NFP?
As a technology consultancy with 20 years of experience focussed on NFP, healthcare and government, we understand these organisations have different needs and priorities; such as demonstrating the allocation of grants, tracking clients across multiple service domains and meeting additional government requirements. Therefore our whitepaper is focused on how our clients tackle these vital technology projects.
We are excited to be able to share our expertise and knowledge with the NFP community. Simply enter in your details on the form below to be directed to a webpage where you can access a downloadable copy of our NFP Guide to Systems Management.
Submit your details to download our guide
Case studies
The below case studies are fantastic examples of our team utilising their expertise to assist organisation with their technology systems in a range of different ways.
Feeding hungry kids so they can grow, learn and succeed
Our team were thrilled to work with one of our Impact Grant recipients, EatUp, to help them navigate the complexities of transforming their organisation from manual processes to an integrated CRM system. Through our expertise in choosing and implementing systems for charities, we were able to help streamline their operations and improve efficiencies. Read more here.
The power of strategy and digital transformation supporting critical workers
Dog and Bone have partnered with a prominent membership organisation for over four years, commencing in 2019. Our latest engagement saw our team manage the remediation project to fix and uplift the capability of the membership management system and enable the decommissioning of old systems and consolidation of information. Read more here.
Choosing the right system to help a childcare organisation move forward
Dog and Bone recently assisted Sparkways, an early years education and care provider, to make an informed decision on the best childcare management system to support their delivery of childcare services, improve efficiencies and communicate with families. Read more here.
Empowering Growth: Impact Program grant fuels not-for-profits HR transformation
Read a recent case study here on how we assisted social enterprise organisation, All Things Equal, by selecting and supporting the implementation of a human resource management system to support their organisation as it grows.