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Providing oversight and managing the transition to a new IT Services provider

Sisters of the Good Samaritan (SGS) engaged Dog and Bone to assist them with the transition to a new Managed Services Provider (MSP), including a technology uplift, and provide ongoing advisory services for the first 12 months of the contract. This collaboration aimed to establish a strong and long-lasting partnership between the organisations aligned with SGS evolving business needs.

'As a small organisation, Dog and Bone provide us with assurance that we are obtaining fit for purpose and value for money technology solutions when working with our managed service provider. Dog and Bone have been able to work collaboratively with us and our MSP to ensure that we are working effectively towards our short term and long-term technology and communications goals.'

- Natalie Acton, Director of Operations - Sisters of the Good Samaritan 

The client

SGS were the first religious Congregation founded in Australia in 1857 whose work and prayer are both enlivened by the Parable of the Good Samaritan. The Sisters have focused on responding to the needs of those around them, next door, on the street, and in the marketplaces and neighbourhoods of many cities and rural communities in Australia, Japan, Kiribati, and the Philippines.

The context

Following on from an RFP procurement project through which SGS had engaged a new Managed Services Provider (MSP) to provide ongoing IT services, there was a need to transition from the incumbent provider, perform a technology uplift, and establish a solid foundation for the partnership to support the organisation for the coming 3 years.

Goals and objectives

The primary goal of the project was to facilitate a smooth transition to the new MSP, including a technology uplift into the Microsoft Azure cloud, and establish a strong partnership for the including agreed cadence for service governance and strategic planning, ensuring alignment between SGS and their new MSP.

'Dog and Bone have developed a sound understanding of our organisation and were able to support us to navigate the selection and transition to a new managed service provider, working with us to successfully navigate the process. While we were certain of the outcomes that we were seeking in the transition, Dog and Bone assisted us to translate those needs into technical solutions which could then be communicated to the service provider.'

- Natalie Acton, Director of Operations - Sisters of the Good Samaritan 

Our approach

To address SGS’ needs, Dog and Bone engaged with business stakeholders and with the MSP project and service delivery teams to understand and agree on business constraints and requirements, contribute to the transition and technology uplift project planning, and provide oversight for the scheduling and delivery of the transition.

Key deliverables:

  • Consultation on transitional and technology uplift requirements and constraints.

  • Consultation on plans, processes, and procedures for the transition project.

  • Oversight of the transition and technology uplift project schedule and delivery.

  • Establishment of regular governance and strategy meetings.

  • Facilitation of regular meetings, oversight of governance, risk, and strategic project roadmap


Through engaging with Dog and Bone, SGS were able to transition to their new MSP and complete the technology uplift with minimal downtime and impact to staff. SGS are continuing to work collaboratively with Dog and Bone and their MSP, building on the successful transition with ongoing governance, risk management, and strategic planning for future technology and service improvements.

Key benefits

The collaboration with Dog and Bone enabled SGS to focus on the business outcomes with Dog and Bone working collaboratively as the technology expert for the SGS team, providing the technology services expertise to establish improved contract and service governance across their technology environment for a more productive and value-driven partnership with their MSP.

Ongoing advisory

Dog and Bone continues to work collaboratively with SGS and their MSP in facilitation of regular governance and strategy meetings and providing oversight for service governance, risk and security management, and the strategic projects roadmap, ensuring that communication lines remain open with shared understanding of organisational goals and objectives.


Get in touch

We'd love to chat with you on how we can help through technology and telecommunications strategy, procurement and management.


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